

I'm quietly making these felt fish during Ewan's nap
when I really should be packing!

We're moving! Again. :)
This ups our moving total now to:
6 rentals,
in 6 years,
in 5 different socal cities!
So, while we're moving out and settling in and transferring utility services...
I'll be going dark on here and FB for a while.
Now, time for me to get back to packing up the gypsy wagon to hit the road on Friday.
See you all soon!



Our first baby is 5 today...
Happy Birthday Divot!

Brandon and Felicia's new baby, Jeter, came over for some party hats and pupcake. :)
Peanut Butter Pupcakes
1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 tsp baking soda , 1/4 cup peanut butter , 1/4 cup vegetable oil,
1 cup shredded carrots , 1 tsp vanilla , 1/3 cup honey , 1 egg
Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix together flour and baking soda. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into cupcake liners, bake for 20 minutes. Frost cakes with low fat cottage cheese and decorate with carrot pieces, dog bones, etc. Store in refrigerator.


snow day sunday

We had such a great time at the snow a couple weeks ago,
that we decided to go again for Valentine's Day.
This time with more people, more sleds,
and a big snowball fight. :)

You had to think light while walking,
the snow was up to our knees if you fell through.

Slurping snow for lunch with a wooden spoon and a black eye. That's how we roll. :)

Matching knit caps made by Jeff's grandma.

Lots of sledding.

Jeff got to the "no more sledding" point.
Me, I could go all day. :)

As for Jeff's mom, she won't be making the Olympic sledding team anytime soon.
She did make it down a run eventually, just not this one. :)

And Brandon is just a crazy mountain man.

Second snow day,
another super success. :)


black and blue

Ewan got his first shiner.
Point on the board for the coffee table.

It's been quite the art form this week
changing from black to blue to purple to red.
Thankfully it's not the size of a golf ball anymore.
And no stitches were needed over his eyebrow.

In fact, now that I look at these pictures,
it really doesn't look like much anymore.
Oh, little adventurous boy,
I want many more of you. :)
On a side note,
another day, another birthday.
Between our two huge families, the celebrations are never ending!
Happy Birthday to Jeff's Mom today!


papa g

{nabbed this pic from my mom}
Happy Birthday, to the person I am most like.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I love you Dad.

first snow

Ewan's first experience with snow on superbowl sunday...

A super success of a day,
with our honey snow bunny. :)


together forever

What can I say,
my husband loves me.
And I love him more.
What a surprise that video was!
I make 'em for others all the time,
but this was the first time someone did one for me.
And how'd he know I'd find it on here? :)
Did anyone else notice he posted at 4am?!
We had a great Valentine's playing in the snow
for the second weekend in a row....

I love you Jeff.
Us, together forever.


Happy Valentines Day...mama

So...um...this is Jeff. I understand that this is not my site, but Ewan wanted to do something for his mom for Valentines Day. So we came up with a video to show how much his mom means to him. And since this website is all about Ewan, I thought he should probably share it with all of you. Hope you enjoy it.

Happy Valentines Day Sweetie!

Ewan's Dad


polaroid valentines

Sewed felt ones, that is.

Each one unique and special in it's own way.
Translation: no pattern = lots of flaws and variation.
And made with lots of love.
Translation: made with lots and lots and lots of love!
Happy Valentine's Day!


baby sign

I mentioned that Ewan knows baby sign.
Thought I'd Flip it and show you some...

And here's another open mouth kiss goody
from our snow day in Wrightwood yesterday.

Love him.


18 months

We have an 18 month old on our hands now.
Umm... they're crazy at this age.
Constant needed attention, super social, energy for hours crazy!
Ewan at 18 months...
-loves to color. Crayons, markers, paint, you name it.
-still sleeps with his boppy, bunny, and paci.
-flys around the house like an airplane. Complete with engine noises.
-is really good at animal noises. Lions and elephants are his specialty.
-loves bell peppers, cheese, and french fries. Takes after his mama. :)
-loves playing hide and seek. Can you see him hiding?
I know, he's really good.
-is learning how to ride a bike.
-loves to run. Far. Fast.
-thinks it's funny to take off his shirt by himself in public.
-can say "mama" and "dada". That's it. Baby sign has come in handy.
-is a confident dog walker.
-is eye teeth teething. 'Nough said. :)
-loves to grab your hand and lead you to what he wants.
-loves to laugh. Even if he has to fake laugh.
The best... his open mouth kisses.
I've tried to teach him to pucker.
But why mess with a good thing. :)


sunshine daddy time

. ..

It was a good weekend. :).