
baby sign

I mentioned that Ewan knows baby sign.
Thought I'd Flip it and show you some...

And here's another open mouth kiss goody
from our snow day in Wrightwood yesterday.

Love him.


Diane Schmidt said...

Gracyn and I just love seeing him sign, he is so cute! I can see your loving your flip:)

Erica said...

I love the elephant noise. So funny

Becca said...

First off, we LoVE snow kiss. You need to put it on You Tube- it could be the next biggest hit!!! Ewan is just adorable :)
Second, I made the guitar cake between studying for Contracts and Criminal Law. :-) It's not being super woman, its being crazy LOL. I refuse to let law school stop me from doing the things I love, baking being one of those things.
Third, I KNOW!!! I'm trying to update weekly at the very least :-)It's my study break.
Fourth, Aimee didn't send me the pics. I'll get them tomorrow night when we celebrate Vday @ Moms and send them to u. We still need to exchange ALL the Vegas pics :)
Fifth, I think I addressed everything besides.... I love you 2